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While February is National Chocolate Month, there’s never a wrong time to eat…….I mean, read about chocolate! If you haven’t realized it yet, we are a family of book lovers. Below are reviews of chocolate-themed books that we have read, as well as a list of additional chocolate-themed books that we found that may be of interest. Please share in the comments any other chocolate themed kids books you’ve read!
Beginning Chapter Books:

Snow Monsters Do Drink Hot Chocolate (The Bailey School Kids series, Jr. Chapter book) by Marcia Thornton Jones and Debbie Dadey
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Liza, Howie, Eddie and Melody are sledding and snowboarding when they meet an awesome snowboarder named Harry Snowden. He’s covered in snow and ice and Howie thinks he’s an abominable snowman. To warm up, Eddie’s grandmother takes the four kids to get hot chocolate (thus the “chocolate” part of the book) where they see Harry Snowden drinking milk shakes. When sleigh riding another day, the kids test if Harry is a snow monster by giving him some hot chocolate. This book has short chapter and a lot of illustrations, which is appealing for beginning chapter book readers. Overall, this book did not really go anywhere but the kids enjoyed it.
*We own this book.
Chapter Books:

Cam Jansen and the Chocolate Fudge Mystery (Cam Jansen Mystery series #14) by David A. Adler
Illustrated by Susanna Natti
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Cam Jansen (real name Jennifer Jansen) and her friend Eric are selling chocolate fudge bars and rice cakes as a fundraiser (yes, a weird combination of items to be selling!). While walking around the neighborhood, they notice a suspicious looking woman and a deserted looking house. Of course the two end up being connected and with the help of Cam’s photographic memory (thus the “Cam” short for camera) Cam and Eric are able to help the police catch a bank thief. Cam Jansen is a mystery series geared for younger readers (grades 2-4). The series is over twenty years old though the covers have gotten an update. This book had little to actually do with chocolate fudge. As an adult, it seems unrealistic that two young kids would be able to stop a bank thief. Nor, would you really want them to attempt to do so, nowadays?!!!
*We own this book.

The Case of the Kidnapped Candy (A Jigsaw Jones Mystery, #30) by James Preller
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Jigsaw Jones is a mystery series aimed toward readers on a second grade reading level. This book takes place around Valentine’s Day. In celebration of the upcoming holiday and the end of their poetry unit, Ms. Gleason has a special surprise for the class. However, the Hershey Kisses that were in a gumball machine on her desk are stolen. Jigsaw and his friend Mila attempt to find the thief. Since the class is studying poetry, the reader is introduced to what goes into writing a poem (sounds, rhythm, ideas, rhyme, etc.), gets to see different examples of poems that some of the students have written, learns what a haiku is, and learns how songs are poetry are related. So, there’s more to this book than just the mystery. This series also has short chapters and lots of pictures which are appealing to younger readers.
* We own this book.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
This book is a children’s classic in which Charlie Bucket wins a ticket to spend the day at Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory where many adventures occur. We read this as a family at bedtime a couple of years ago, when the kids were about 4 and 6. While some of it may have been over their heads they enjoyed listening to the story. We then watched the original movie version together. We have also seen the updated version of the movie starring Johnny Depp. Since we own the book, the kids are able to reread this book if and when they want.
*We own this book.

The Chocolate-Covered Worms (It’s Robert! series) by Barbara Seuling (also published as Robert and the Chocolate-Covered Worms)
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
This short chapter book series is geared toward 2nd and 3rd grade readers. In this book, Robert’s teacher makes the class do projects on “The Weird and Horrible” after the class gets fascinated with weird and gross things. Robert does his report on werewolves, while classmate Lucy does a report on unusual food and brings in a box of chocolate-covered worms for the class to try.
*We own this book.

Chocolate Dreams (Candy Fairy Series #1) by Helen Perelman
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
In this first book in the Candy Fairy Series, Cocoa the Chocolate Fairy has been chosen by Princess Lolli to care for the first spring chocolate eggs that will be used in the Egg Parade. But after meeting up with some of her candy fairy friends, Cocoa goes back to the nest to find that the eggs are missing. She has to get them back before the Egg Parade. With the help of Princess Lolli the two outsmart Mogu, the troll, who stole the eggs. While I wasn’t impressed with the book, I think young girls will enjoy reading about candy and the different candy fairies.
*We borrowed this book from the library.

Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
This is another classic children’s book, first published in 1972. Henry Green loves chocolate and eats it at all meals. One day, he starts breaking out in chocolate spots. Of course no one has seen such a sight before and the doctors at the hospital are fascinated with Henry and diagnose him with “Chocolate Fever.”. Tired and afraid, Henry escapes the hospital and ends up catching a ride with truck driver Mac. The truck ends up getting hijacked by burglars but Henry and Mac luckily help get the burglars get arrested. Eventually Alfred Cane, owner of a candy distributing center, helps Henry cure his chocolate fever. Henry also learns to enjoy other foods without chocolate…..but replaces chocolate with a possible alternative ingredient. Reading this book I think you can tell that it’s somewhat dated in the language and scenes. However, I think the story itself has a good lesson.
*We own this book.

Sweet Secrets in Pennsylvania (Just In Time series book #2) by Cheri Pray Earl and Carol Lynch Williams
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
This is the second book in the Just In Time series by Cheri Pray Earl and Carol Lynch Williams. We have not read the first book in the series, The Rescue Begins In Delaware, and this is one of the rare times with children’s books that I felt lost not reading a children’s series in order. The reader is missing a large chunk of the back story of what happened to the main characters’, twins, George and Gracie, parents. The parents are currently trapped in time and George and Gracie must return all the items that their parents had bought for the family museum, in order to help their parents get home. In this book, George and Gracie must use the time machine to travel to Hershey, Pennsylvania in order to return a rug to Milton Hershey. They must do this while avoiding the evil Mr. Crowe, who is following them and needs their help to get back to his time of 1879. Unfortunately, if the kids help him, they may not be able to have their parents return. The chapters are told through the alternating perspectives of George and Gracie. George is turned into a rat in this particular story (why?!!!) and in returning the rug they accidently help Milton Hershey come up with the recipe for his milk chocolate. Although this is the first book in the series that we’ve read, this reminds me of “The Magic Tree House” series for older kids. In the first book the kids traveled to Delaware and in this book the kids travel to Pennsylvania. The end of the book is filled with information and facts about the state. My eight year old daughter read this and found the book “interesting and exciting.”
*This book was borrowed from the library.

Thea Stilton and the Chocolate Sabotage by Thea Stilton (Thea Stilton series #19)
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
This book is the 19th in the Thea Stilton series. As I mentioned in a Friday Favorites post, my six year-old son is a big fan of this series and the original series Geronimo Stilton. In this book the Thea Sisters, Nicky, Colette, Violet, Paulina and Pamela travel to Ecuador to visit Paulina’s old school friend Antonio. He runs a chocolate factory, Cocoa Loco, and invited Paulina and her friends down to visit. The chocolate factory is in the running to receive the prestigious Chocolate Cup award. But while the sisters are visiting, it appears that someone is sabotaging Antonio’s factory. The sisters help Antonio and his cousin Hector find the culprit. If you are unfamiliar with the Stilton books, I recommend you check a couple out. Each page of text has words in different colors and fonts. In this particular book, there were informational pages about the country of Ecuador, the market town of Otavalo and the city of Quito. Another plus of this book is that children become familiar with organic farming, as Antonio does not use pesticides on his cacao beans. And did I mention that in these books the characters are mice?!!! Parents may roll their eyes at all of the mouse/cheese/cat humor. My son enjoys it though and it’s fun seeing him identify the author’s play on words (ex. from another Stilton book that he was reading “Mom, they said paw-cuffs since mice have paws, not hands!).
*This book was borrowed from the library.
Non-Fiction Books:

No Monkeys, No Chocolate by Melissa Stewart and Allen Young
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
This picture book gives an in-depth look at how chocolate is made. Starting with the cocoa beans, the authors show how the survival of the cocoa tree is dependent on all different parts of nature, including monkeys, maggots, fungi, roots and leaves. The text goes into detail that may not keep the interest of younger readers, however, two little talking worms at the bottom right corner of the pages offer humorous commentary. Colorful illustrations accompany the text.
*This book was borrowed from the library.
We have compiled a list of other chocolate themed books below. However, we have not read these books and have listed them for reference only.
Board Books:
Lilly’s Chocolate Heart by Kevin Henkes. Lilly tries to find the perfect hiding place for her one chocolate heart.
Picture Books:
Chocolate Moose by Maggie Kneen. Moose starts working in little mouse’s bakery but makes a big mess. He ends up finding a better job with little mouse instead.
Curious George Goes to a Chocolate Factory by H.A. Rey and Margret Rey. George goes on a factory tour to see how chocolates are made but gets into trouble.
Max’s Chocolate Chicken by Rosemary Wells. Easter-themed book where Max wants to eat the chocolate chicken that has been placed in the well. His sister Ruby wants him to go on an egg hunt first.
Chapter Books:
Cherry Crush by Cathy Cassidy (The Chocolate Box Girls series #1). Set in the United Kingdom, Cherry moves with her dad to Somerset. He has a dream of inventing artisan chocolate named The Chocolate Box and currently works in a chocolate factory. The book focuses primarily on Cherry and her struggles with friendship and family.
Chocolate-Covered Ants by Stephen Manes. Adam receives ants for his birthday and his older brother Max bets him that people eat chocolate covered ants. While carrying out the bet, problems occur.
The Chocolate-Covered Contest by Carolyn Keene (Nancy Drew series #151). At an amusement park, Nancy’s friend Bess opens a candy bar with the million dollar prize. When they go to collect the prize they are told someone has already won and are accused of counterfeiting the wrapper.
The Chocolate Sundae Mystery by Gertrude Chanlder (The Boxcar Children series #46). When ice cream and other items start disappearing from the ice cream parlor, the Boxcar Children investigate.
The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling. A twist on the tale King Midas and the Golden Touch, John Midas loves chocolate so much that he is thrilled when he gets the ability to turn everything he touches into chocolate. He realizes this may be more of a curse when he accidentally turns his mother into chocolate.
The Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop by Kate Saunders. Twins Oz and Lily move into the family inherited Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop magical adventures await them.
Non-Fiction Books:
DK Readers: The Story of Chocolate by C.J. Polin. (beginning reader – Level 3) Facts and information about chocolate with photographs and a glossary.
Totally Triffic Chocolate by Alan MacDonald. (chapter book) Chapter book filled with everything you wanted to know about chocolate.
Have you read any of these books? Or do you have more chocolate themed books for us to add to our list?