February 2018 Reads

Ratings and reviews of my February2018 reads.

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It’s one of my favorite days of the month, Steph and Jana’s Shows Us Your Books link up!  I love getting to share my recent reads as well as get a bunch of new reading recommendations.  Although February is a short month, I think I read a decent amount.  Especially since I returned to work full-time at the end of January, which means my reading time has substantially decreased.  Even better, most of my February 2018 reads were 4 stars!

3 Stars


52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life by Andrea Owen – This was my only non-fiction read this month.  So far, I’ve been good with my goal of reading at least one non-fiction book a month.  This book is made up of 52 very short chapters, where each chapter is a different tip.  While this book didn’t really tell me anything new or wow me, Owen provided lots of reminders on how to live your best life.

4 Stars


The Butterfly Garden by Dot Hutchinson  – The “gardener” has created a beautiful garden of butterflies.  The butterflies just happen to be kidnapped young girls.  But something has happened and the garden is no more.  The FBI question Maya, one of the survivors where we are told about the gardener via her stories and flashbacks.  After reading about this book from several bloggers in past linkups, I had to read it.  This is a disturbing story, yet I had to continue reading it to see how it all unfolded.  It’s the first in a three book series, which I now want to continue.


Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman – I have read so many rave reviews of this book on these linkups and I can finally understand why.  Eleanor is such a quirky, likeable character.  I enjoyed this book and can see how she has been compared to Ove in A Man Called Ove.


Live to Tell by Lisa Gardner – I thought I’d start listening to audio books on my commute to work.  I listened to this book and then my cd player/radio died.  I’ve been two weeks now without any radio/cd player as we wait for one more part my husband needs to replace it. So, no more audio books after this one for awhile. Live to Tell is the fourth book in the D.D. Warren series.  In this book an entire family is murdered, with the father as the primary suspect.  Detective D.D. Warren is assigned to the case and as she starts investigating, realizes that there’s more going on. I’ve been trying to avoid starting new series, especially those with a lot of books in them.  However, I had started this series way back and it was nice to start back up with Gardner’s Detective D.D. Warren series.  This was a really good book to listen to on audio, with multiple narrators.


Stillhouse Lake by Rachel Caine – Gina Royal accidentally discovers her husband’s secret…..that he is a serial killer.  Even though he’s in prison, people still think that she was involved with her husband’s crimes and have targeted her and her children.  They have been living a life on the run, constantly changing names and moving.  Stillhouse Lake is actually starting to feel like home when a dead body turns up and they start receiving threatening letters.  This is the first book in a series, which I didn’t know until I read it…..it ends with a cliffhanger!  The author includes a soundtrack at the end of the book of songs that accompanied her during the writing of this book.  I found it to be a unique concept to include and had fun listening to the songs on YouTube, though some were too heavy metal for my liking.  Overall, a great, suspense read for those that like this genre.


The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen – This story revolves around three characters, the husband, the ex-wife and the new fiancee.  It’s hard to say much more without giving away spoilers.  This was a surprisingly enjoyable suspense read with several plot twists that kept me guessing. I recently read that it’s going to be made into a movie, which I think will be pretty good.



Five on Friday {In Like a Lion}

March has truly come in like a lion.  We have had two major storms in less than a week.  The kids have not been in school since last Friday!  Goodbye spring break, since they’ve used all their snow days and then some!   March was supposed to be a super busy month for us, but many events have been cancelled or postponed.  Spring cannot come soon enough!  We have had sad news from various family members as well, making it a not-so-great week.  However, there have also been several happy moments as well which I shared in Wednesday’s Rocking My Happy post.  Here are five from this week:


Reading – I just finished reading Anatomy of a Scandal by Sarah Vaughan.  I’m not sure if I’m getting tired of the suspense genre or I’m just picking not-so-great-books.  But this was just an okay read for me.

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Watching – Sunday we went to see Black Panther.  My son had been really wanting to see this movie.  While I almost passed on it, my husband convinced me to go and enjoy some time with the family.  I have to admit that I enjoyed this movie a lot more than I thought I would.  We also watched Wonder.  They did a great job turning the book into a movie.

Family Time – Last weekend we went out to lunch and then went duck pin bowling.  I’ll have a post up on the blog soon! But for those unfamiliar, duck pin bowling uses smaller pins and smaller balls.  I hadn’t been duck pin bowling since I was a child myself.  It was different and fun family experience.

Eating – Before we went bowling last weekend we stopped for lunch at JK’s Restaurant.  My husband ate here when he was a kid.  Since we were in the area bowling he suggested we have lunch here.  We enjoyed this delicious spread and shared some milkshakes.  Definitely not a healthy meal, but pretty tasty!


Listening – I found a new podcast that I’ve been enjoying.  Forever35 is hosted by Kate and Doree.  The two talk all things beauty, nutrition, and self-care.  It’s fun to listen while I commute to work.

Sharing with Friday Favorites!  Have a great weekend!


Rocking My Happy {3.7.18}

Today we are enjoying another snow day as we get hit with the allegedly worst snow storm of the year.  Within the past few days we have received a lot of sad news from our family and our community.  It’s very difficult when you know people are in pain and you can’t do anything but offer words of encouragement.  These events have made me even more grateful for everything I have.  While it’s been difficult to be “rocking my happy” this week, I realize that self-care also includes mental health. Although these past few days have been rough, I’ve found that the little things can bring a smile or help me make it through the day.

Rocking my happy this week:

*Coffee and strawberry milkshakes.

*Not losing electricity during the bad Nor’easter we had last week and hopefully not losing power today as well.

*Giving up on reading a book that I wasn’t enjoying.

*Finishing reading A Wrinkle In Time with my son, right before the movie comes out.

*Having my parents over for a weeknight dinner.

*Not having to set the alarm clock last night.




Five on Friday {First Weekend in March}

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Yeah, it’s Friday!  Another week is in the books!  I cannot believe how quickly the week went by.  As I sit here writing this Thursday night, we are unsure if tomorrow will be a snow day.  As of now, the previous rain we thought we were getting has turned into a possible 6 -12 inches of snow!  It’s crazy after we had temps this weeks in the high 50’s!  I can’t believe we are already in the month of March.  This is a busy month for us, especially my son.  He has a class play, science fair, Cub Scout Pinewood Derby and he stars as one of the leads in the 3rd/4th grade musical.  It will be an exciting but busy month!  Here’s an update for those of you who read about the audio book CD fiasco in last week’s Five on Friday.  My husband took the CD player out of the car and was able to get the CD out. Phew!  However, he discovered the CD player itself is broken.  He’s going to replace it with another CD player.  In the meantime, I’m without a car stereo.  I’ve been listening to podcasts on my commute.  I just miss the clock and not knowing what time it is while I”m driving! Here are five from this week:


Reading – Yesterday I finished reading Before We Were Strangers by Renee Carlino.  This was such a great contemporary romance.  It was refreshing after all the suspense/thrillers I was reading and it was a very enjoyable read.

Supper Club – Last Saturday we had our monthly supper club get-together.  This month’s theme was red, in honor of Valentine’s Day.  I made a Roasted Red Pepper Soup and my husband made Strawberry Sorbet. Even though the kids don’t usually go to our supper club dinners, my daughter made brownie pops and red velvet cake pops for us to bring.  She had gotten a Babycakes Cake Pop Maker and was excited to put it to use.

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Watching – Last weekend we watched the movie Dunkirk.  This war-movie was nominated for many awards. I didn’t realize that the whole movie was about the evacuation of Dunkirk during World War II. My husband is a big history fan and enjoys these types of movies.  However, I found the movie to be a bit slow and wasn’t the biggest fan.

Date Night – Last Friday night, my husband and I went out to dinner for an unplanned date night.  My daughter was at a Girl Scout event and my son was invited to a friend’s for a sleep over.  I realized that my husband and I were on our own for dinner.  So, we went to a local, new-to-us restaurant and enjoyed a quick dinner date.  We ordered wings, onion rings, nachos and milk shakes.  Definitely not the healthiest of meals, but it was delicious!

Mother-Son Date – Sunday my son and I went into NYC.  We had brunch at Charlie Palmer at the Knick and then went to see SpongeBob SquarePants the Broadway Musical.  You can read more about our day in this week’s post.  Brunch was delicious and even though I’m not a fan of the television show, the Broadway show was excellent!

Linking up with Andrea, Katie and April.

Hope you have a great weekend!