Happy List {April 6, 2020}

It’s the start of another week. Here’s today’s happy list:

1. HBO Free Streaming – By now, I’m sure you’ve heard that HBO is offering free streaming for some of it’s shows and movies. First, I’m happy that we can access the free streaming through our Roku. Second, over the weekend Dana and I started watching Veep and I recommend! I did not realize that it’s a political comedy. These short 30 minute or less episodes are a fun diversion. And we have 7 seasons that we can binge!

2. Word Searches – I used to LOVE doing word searches as a child. During a cleaning session I found an old Disney fairies word search book in a pile of my daughter’s old stuff. I have since made everyone try to complete one word search daily as a mind workout activity!

3. Cincinnati Zoo Home Safari – Our family has always loved animals. The Cincinnati Zoo has been hosting a home safari, where viewers can meet some of their animals up close. It’s really fun to learn more about the animals and see them interacting with the zoo keepers. The video above shows Lucille, the bearcat. The bearcat is Binghamton University’s mascot and I can’t say that I’ve seen one of these animals until now.


Happy List {April 5, 2020}

Happy Sunday! Here are three things making me happy:

1. Ellen show -The Ellen Show will begin to air new episodes again tomorrow. They figured out how to televise from her home.  I don’t even have cable TV and I’m so excited about this! I love Ellen and enjoy watching the clips from her show on FB/YouTube.  We can all use her humor during this time.

2. Vegan Caribbean takeout – We ordered lunch yesterday from a vegan Caribbean restaurant. The break from cooking was nice and the food was delicious. And we liked helping to support a small, family-run business.

3. Canada Hair Freezing Contest – These pics from the Takhini Hot Springs Hair Freezing contest are just crazy!

Happy List {April 4, 2020}

Today, my husband and I are celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary! Definitely a reason to be happy today! Here are three more things making me smile:

1. Cat snuggles and book time

2. Mongolian Seitan – a.k.a. Vegan Mongolian Beef with Broccoli. When my son, the picky eater of the family has thirds, you know this is a good dish! Recipe from Yup….it’s vegan!

3. Pregnancy Announcements – Enjoy some of these pregnancy reveals to make you smile…..these bring back memories of our first baby pregnancy reveal when we wrapped a little poem up in a frame and wrapped it for each set of grandparents-to-be. This is a longer compilation than the ones that I usually see on FB.

Happy List {April 3, 2020}

Three things making me happy:

1. Homemade vegan chocolate cupcakes that my almost 14 year-old daughter made by herself (the chocolate frosting was found in our cabinet and was the inspiration for her to bake something!). Recipe from allrecipes.com.

2. Group Family Texts – I’m in a group text with my brother, sister and parents. It’s nice to keep in touch daily with short check-ins.

3. Puzzles – I am currently working on my 4th puzzle since social distancing began. Yesterday I made my son take an electronics break and do a puzzle. He’s actually very good at them and completed this 300 piece puzzle in less than an hour. I was impressed with his puzzling ability and that he had some quality unplugged time.

Happy List {April 2, 2020}

Three things making me happy today:

1. Celebrity Dad Jokes – Because Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg.

2. Tom’s Diner – Throwing it back to some of the songs of my childhood! I used to know all the lyrics to this song!

3. Signs of spring – Mother nature is showing her beauty. Every day when I do my daily walk I see new signs of spring.

My Happy List {April 1, 2020}

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It’s difficult for me to blog right now. My heart just isn’t into writing about family fun in the Hudson Valley when we are mandated to socially distance and everything is closed. But, I do find that blogging is a creative outlet (for my non-creative self). Since it’s the first of the month, I thought it fitting to start publishing a daily “Happy List.” Just three little things that I’m loving lately and that are bringing a little happiness into some stressful times. This may be a song, a show, a podcast, a meme, an activity…….you get the idea. Just something that made me smile and will hopefully bring you a little happiness as well. Because let’s face it, we can all use a little more happiness right now!

Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations

1. Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations podcast (February 12 episode): Oprah and Michelle Obama – I only started listening to Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations podcast within the past couple of months. But this episode was the first one I listened to and my favorite. It was so good that I listened to it again this week. It has two of my favorite women having an intimate conversation (in front of a live audience in Brooklyn!).

Tiger King, Murder, Mayhem and Madness publicity image.jpg

2. Tiger King (television show) – I can’t remember the last television show that we binge watched before this one! I know that this Netflix show is ALL over the internet. But there’s a good reason. Seriously, this is not quality television. It is mindless entertainment, that gets crazier with every episode. These hours of escapism were much needed and enjoyed.

3. A sign spotted on my daily walk around the neighborhood – Let’s do as the sign says and “Keep Smiling!”

What is making you happy today?