Happy in January

Happy in January

I started 2016 with my one little word for the year being “happy.”  One month in and I feel like I’ve been doing a pretty good job of embracing happiness.  Here is a recap of January:

Things I read:
10 Simple Things to Make You Happier At Home – I realized that I did most of these things already.  I have always made our bed every morning and am trying to get my kids in the routine of making their beds on their own.

Your Happiest Year Yet! from the January/February 2016 Everyday with Rachael Ray.  You don’t have to tell me twice to eat more chocolate and cheese!

Eight books this month and most of them were really good!  Check out my February 9th post when I join Steph and Jana’s Show Us Your Books Link-up and review my January reads!

Things I listened to:
Happier with Gretchen Rubin Podcast – I’ve listened to all four January episodes (46-49).

Things I did:
The kids helped me work on our scrapbook from our Bermuda cruise that we took back in September of 2014!  Yes, I was really behind.  I really want to work on our Disney scrapbook from this past summer, but wanted to get the Bermuda cruise book finished first.  As much as I don’t have a lot of time to scrapbook, I am trying to do it more since the kids love looking at them and remembering the fun experiences that they’ve had.

Wrote in my Instant Happy Journal.  I still don’t write in this every night, but I do like to reflect on the positives  of my day before going to bed.

Volunteered two Saturdays this month at the food pantry.  Due to bad weather, and some other plans, I was only able to get to the food pantry twice this month.  However, I was able to spend the whole three hours, helping with set up and shopping.

Had a dinner date with a friend who I hadn’t seen in months.  I also reconnected with an old friend from college.  It had been two years since we had last seen each other.  We met up for lunch last weekend and it was so nice to catch up and see each other.

Things I am looking forward to:
Our family February Minimalist Challenge!  It is time to declutter and get rid of “stuff.”

Things I need to work on:
Exercising more.  Besides my weekly tennis league, I haven’t been getting much exercise.  I need to find some motivation and just do it.  Up first is yoga!

