Five on Friday {February 10, 2023}

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Happy Friday! It’s been another long week and I’m looking forward to the weekend! Here are five from this week.

1.No Heat -Friday and Saturday the temps dropped drastically with the real temperature below zero degrees. Saturday we woke up to no heat in the house! Fortunately, we have a pellet stove that heated the main floor of the house. We were able to contact our oil company and they sent a repairman out. By early evening we got our heat back after he replaced the control unit of our furnace. But for most of the day it was pretty cold in the house. Fortunately, I was out running errands. 

2. Kohls – I’m not sure if the clearance sale is still going on, but I went to Kohl’s on Saturday (when we didn’t have any heat). They had a major clearance sale with an additional 50% off the already marked down clearance price! I got two pairs of shoes and several sweaters for myself for such a steal! 

3. Reading – This week I finished reading Just the Nicest Couple by Mary Kubica. This was an okay suspense read. Kubica’s books are either hit or miss with me. This was fairly slow for most of the book….until it wasn’t. 

4. Cooking – This week’s menu included BBQ Ranch Chickpea Pitas, Beyond Burgers with tater tots, Cauliflower Black Bean Tostadas, “Meatball” subs and Spicy Peanut Udon Noodle Bowls

5. Lunch Date– On the weekends, my husband and I sit and go over everyone’s schedules for the week – who has to be where when, who is going to be doing drop off/pick up for various activities, etc. To make this task more enjoyable we try to do this while we are at brunch or lunch. So, Sunday my husband and I went out for lunch at a new Vietnamese restaurant that opened in Mahopac called Pho Route 6. We shared the Vegetable Pho and the Shrimp Vermicelli. The pho was huge and delicious! It’s so nice to have a Vietnamese restaurant that is close to where we live!

6. Watching – I’ve caught up on the past two episodes of The Bachelor. I’ve also been watching Eater’s Guide to the World (Hulu) for my food and travel fix this week. 

7. National English Honor Society – Tuesday night my daughter was inducted into the English National Honor Society. This is her second academic honor society (she was inducted into the science honor society last year). We are so proud of her and all of her hard work!

8. Trader Joe’s Caramel Taste Test – I bought this caramel taste test box from Trader Joe’s before the holidays and then I forgot about it! I just found it and we enjoyed doing this taste test as a family Sunday night. Some of the caramel flavors were harder to distinguish than others. I’ve always said that I have a good sense of taste and I ended up winning by naming 8/12 correctly! 

ICYMI this week on the blog: 

Monday I shared my January 2023 reads.

Sharing with Friday Favorites!  Have a great weekend!



  1. My friend introduced me to Pho years ago and I love it. A lunch date with your husband is the perfect way to plan the week. Congratulations to your daughter! What a fantastic achievement. Have a great weekend!

  2. We woke to a freezing cold house last weekend too but that’s because we lost power… thankfully with our woodstove we only had 2 pipes freeze. I should have escaped to Kohl’s! It sounds like your weekly dates to go over the week’s schedule are both fun and productive. My husband literally would forget by the time we drove home. LOL He’s awful at remember anyone’s schedule (including his own at times)!

  3. That’s such a good idea to do boring tasks (like scheduling) during something actually enjoyable (like eating out). I need to steal that idea! 🙂 I’m sorry you had no heat for a while, though. Last weekend was brutally cold in PA, so I can only imagine it was worse north in NY. Eek!

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