Time Mission recently opened at the Palisades Center mall and you’re going to want to make a visit! Although it’s still in its soft opening phase, from what we’ve experienced we can tell you that it’s already a lot of fun!
What is Time Mission?
Time Mission calls themselves, “an indoor adventure game.” This attraction is not an escape room; you’re not locked in. There are, in fact, 32 different rooms. At the time of our visit only 16 out of the 32 total rooms were open, but they anticipate all of the rooms being open by the end of January.

Each room is a “portal” to a different year and has a specific mission for players to complete in the allotted time. This time ranges between 2-5 minutes, depending on the room. These challenges use a combination of brains, strength, coordination and speed.

I don’t want to give away any of the fun surprises, so I’m not posting pictures of the challenges. Outside each room there’s a sign that gives a short description of the challenge. It also shows how much of each skill (brain, strength, coordination and speed) is needed. We discovered that there is a learning curve to some of these challenges. The good thing is that, as long as no other groups are waiting to enter the room, you can replay the mission as many times as you want.

The sign outside the room will alert you if a portal is occupied, as seen in the image above. You are able to see what team is inside the room, what their current score is and how much time they have left in the room. The time countdown was useful in helping us determine if we wanted to wait to complete a room we hadn’t entered yet or move on to a different room.

Ultimately, the goal of Time Mission is to try to earn as many points as you can within your allotted time. When you sign up you can choose between 60, 90 or 120 minutes. The maximum number of points you can earn in each room is 100 points. There were some rooms that were so challenging that even after several attempts, we left with 0 points! There were other rooms that were just a lot of fun that we wanted to play them multiple times to earn more points.
Before You Enter
From our experience at the Palisades Center location, tickets needed to be purchased online. To save time, I recommend purchasing the tickets and completing all of the waivers before you arrive. There was a little bit of a wait when we arrived, as every group that arrived needed to complete their online payment and waivers.

After all of the paperwork is completed, you are ready to check in. Groups pick a team name from a prepopulated list of descriptive animals; we chose the Sporty Lobsters. You’ll each be given a coded wristband that stores all of your team info. Any of your teammates’ wristbands can open the rooms.
What age range is Time Mission good for?
According to the website, the minimum age to enter Time Mission is 6 years. Having personally experienced it, I recommend it for older children. Children 6-13 must be accompanied by an adult. Teens 14+ can enter Time Mission on their own.
How many people can participate at a time?
Time Mission is made for groups of 2-5. I thought our family of four was the perfect number. You can score more points with more people participating.

Final Thoughts
Time Mission was a LOT of fun! As seen from the scoreboard above, we, the Sporty Lobsters, ranked in 3rd place at the time of my photo! We had opted for a 60 minute session since we knew not all of the rooms were open. However, when all 32 rooms are open, I think at least 90 minutes are needed to explore all of the rooms.
Since many teams are playing at one time and rooms are continuously being occupied, we found it a bit difficult to keep track of which rooms we had completed. After our time was finished we discovered that there was at least one room that we hadn’t tried.
This is the type of place that you can visit multiple times. Although you may become familiar with the challenges, you can always work on beating your score. With larger groups, it would be fun to compete as teams against one another to see who can get the higher score.
We are looking forward to returning to Time Mission when all 32 rooms are open!
The Details:
Time Mission
Palisades Center Mall
3532 Palisades Center Drive
West Nyack, NY 10994
R1 Indoor Karting
100 Higginson Avenue
Lincoln, RI 02865
Other Useful Info:
*Free lockers are provided to store purses, jackets, etc.
*Closed toe shoes are required and comfortable clothes are recommended. You will be bending, throwing things and jumping in the more physical challenges.
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