Five on Friday {March 4, 2022}

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Hello weekend! Today is bittersweet, as it was the last day at my former job.  I am starting a new job on Tuesday working at a different school district. This week was filled with goodbye lunches and a “surprise” last day breakfast. I am going to miss my colleagues so much! However, I am ready for a change. My son is camping with his Boy Scout troop this weekend. I will be taking my daughter dress shopping for a Sweet 16 that she’s going to in a couple of weeks. Here are five from this week:

1. Eating- Over the weekend we finally visited Rossi and Sons deli in Poughkeepsie.  This is a very popular deli up in Poughkeepsie and I had to try it! My husband, daughter and I split The Kitchn and this Quattro Falso sandwich which had crispy eggplant, herb roasted ricotta, fresh mozzarella, roasted peppers, balsamic glaze and herb pesto. This was my fave!

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2. Reading – Last weekend I finished Know My Name by Chanel Miller. This is a nonfiction book that had me both crying at what Chanel went through and outraged at our judicial system.  I highly recommend this book.

3. Cooking – This week one of our favorite dinners was this One-Pot Spicy Eggs and Potatoes from Pinch of Yum. We also made their Miracle No-Knead Bread in our Dutch Oven to soak up the tomato sauce.

A woman with half-black half-white hair, in a black dress, against a half-white half-black background. The title "Cruella" in red.

4. Watching – Friday nights are usually pizza and popcorn movie  nights.  Last week we watched Cruella. I’m trying to watch the Oscar nominated movies and Cruella is nominated for best costume design and best makeup and hairstyling.  I had no idea what the movie was about before watching it. I’m curious as to what audience the movie was made for. It’s rated PG-13 so it’s not a kid’s movie but I’m not sure how many adults are running to see the origin story of this character. Overall, it was an okay movie which had some great music.


We also watched House of Gucci which I wasn’t a huge fan of. It is also nominated for an Oscar for Best Makeup and Hairstyling as well. It has a great cast. However, I lost interest in the movie about halfway through.

5. Destressing – This week has been full of mixed emotions. The war between Ukraine and Russia, NY state lifting the mask mandate for schools, my last week of work….I ordered a paint-by-number during the pandemic that took over 3 months to arrive. When it finally arrived I had lost interest and left it in its packaging. When my daughter was quarantined to her room with COVID, she started it, but barely painted anything. I’ve been painting it for about an hour every day. I sit and paint while I listen to podcasts and find it very calming. I’ll post a picture of the finished painting.

Sharing with Friday Favorites. Have a great weekend!



  1. Hi! I’m new to your blog! I’d love to connect – if you swing by my blog and puty our URL in comments – I will add you to my blogroll. 5 for Friday is ‘new to me’ and I will have to look into incorporating that into my posts! Thanks 🙂

  2. The food looks amazing!! How fun to live in a part of the country that offers such a wide variety of food :). I listened to a podcast on the House of Gucci and, although it was interesting, I have no desire to watch the movie. Good luck on the new job — being in the school system these days must be a tough thing. Wishing you good things there.

  3. Congrats on the new job! What an exciting time of change for you. It’s always so bittersweet starting a new job and leaving old work friends behind. We used to try and watch all the Oscar movies too but stopped a few years ago when we made it through the whole list and hadn’t liked ANY of them! I would be willing to watch Cruella though.

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