It’s the start of another week. Here’s today’s happy list:
1. HBO Free Streaming – By now, I’m sure you’ve heard that HBO is offering free streaming for some of it’s shows and movies. First, I’m happy that we can access the free streaming through our Roku. Second, over the weekend Dana and I started watching Veep and I recommend! I did not realize that it’s a political comedy. These short 30 minute or less episodes are a fun diversion. And we have 7 seasons that we can binge!

2. Word Searches – I used to LOVE doing word searches as a child. During a cleaning session I found an old Disney fairies word search book in a pile of my daughter’s old stuff. I have since made everyone try to complete one word search daily as a mind workout activity!
3. Cincinnati Zoo Home Safari – Our family has always loved animals. The Cincinnati Zoo has been hosting a home safari, where viewers can meet some of their animals up close. It’s really fun to learn more about the animals and see them interacting with the zoo keepers. The video above shows Lucille, the bearcat. The bearcat is Binghamton University’s mascot and I can’t say that I’ve seen one of these animals until now.