Happy Sunday! Here are three things making me happy:
1. Ellen show -The Ellen Show will begin to air new episodes again tomorrow. They figured out how to televise from her home. I don’t even have cable TV and I’m so excited about this! I love Ellen and enjoy watching the clips from her show on FB/YouTube. We can all use her humor during this time.

2. Vegan Caribbean takeout – We ordered lunch yesterday from a vegan Caribbean restaurant. The break from cooking was nice and the food was delicious. And we liked helping to support a small, family-run business.
3. Canada Hair Freezing Contest – These pics from the Takhini Hot Springs Hair Freezing contest are just crazy!
Not that I would certainly wish this on had happened but I actually think some of the late shows are actually better now from their homes. 😀 And I’ve been doing more drive-thrus and takeout to help support local restaurants too. Your dinner looks delicious and is making me hungry!