Hooray for the weekend! This has been one long, HOT week! We have a busy weekend ahead of us. Tomorrow night we have our “California” themed supper club. Our daughter is going to Hershey Park this weekend with a friend of hers and we drop our son off at sleep away Boy Scout Camp on Sunday. Here are five from this past week:

1.Birthday Boy – Last Sunday my son turned 11. He went with a couple of friends to see the new Spider-Man movie. Then they went to lunch at IHOP and had frozen yogurt from TCBY. We went out to dinner to Palace Dumplings, at his request, for all the dumplings! This restaurant makes so many different varieties and they are all so good!

2. Reading – I am almost finished reading The Favorite Daughter by Kaira Rouda. It’s a suspense read that I’m almost finished with and that I’m feeling so-so about. I’m curious to know how it will end but it has felt very repetitive.
3 Watching – We finally finished the third season of Stranger Things. It was a great season but definitely more horror-like than I was expecting.

4. Tomato Plants – Look at how well my tomato plants are doing! I’m so excited to actually have some tomatoes this season. My husband made some adjustments to our box system this year and the plants have been thriving!

5. Farmer’s Market – There’s a farmer’s market within walking distance of my husband’s office. I’ve decided that he should go every week to try out all the vendors. This week he picked up some fruit and veggies. Last night he made beet chips with the orange beets and they were delicious!

This week on the blog I shared 20 Fun Things to Do in Putnam County.
Sharing with Friday Favorites. Have a great weekend!
I have been wanting to get to our farmer’s market but their website and their sign don’t agree on what days and time they’re set up.. I should just take the 15 minute drive on both days and see which one is real.
Happy birthday to your son! We July birthday celebrators (and Cancers) need to stick together. And I am with him 100% on those dumplings. They look so delicious and now I want a plate of dumplings for my birthday. 😀 And I love the kitty snuggling with her Mom while she reads, although sorry to hear the book is somewhat meh. I hate it when books get repetitive; I am not a patient person! I am insanely jealous of your tomato plants. Nothing beats a vine-ripened, fresh-picked summer tomato. Beyond my black thumb, my apartment patio doesn’t get enough direct sunlight to grow tomatoes but the farmer’s market near me should be getting some soon. Have a great weekend – stay cool!