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Although my DVR list is extremely long with shows that I need to catch up on, I don’t actually watch very much television. That’s not to say that I wouldn’t love to sit on the couch all weekend and catch up on old shows or binge watch all the ones that I’ve been meaning to watch. There’s just not enough time! The little time that we do have on weekends to watch television is usually spent as a family watching a show or movie together. Here is a quick recap of what we watched this past month:
Family Movies:

A Dog’s Way Home – This movie is a bit cheesy and predictable. However, it doesn’t matter. I’m a sucker for a cute dog movie. While this one wasn’t my favorite, as usual, it still had me in tears…..and made my daughter want a dog.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald – I will admit that I sat with the family “watching” this one. However, I wasn’t really paying attention to it. I didn’t watch the first one so I didn’t have a clue what was going on. The rest of the family enjoyed this movie though.
Date-Night Movies:

A Star Is Born – I love the song “Shallow” from this movie, no matter how often it’s played on the radio. I of course had to finally see the movie. And I’m glad that I did, as I enjoyed it.

The Favourite – I didn’t know much about this movie, except that it had some Golden Globe nominations. I really enjoyed this movie, I think even more so than A Star Is Born. Except, I didn’t like the ending.

Green Book – I think my husband and I have finally watched almost all of the Oscar Nominated Best Picture movies, minus Vice, which we will hopefully be watching this weekend. I didn’t know much about Green Book prior to sitting down to watch the movie. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this. I can see why it won for Best Picture.
Television Time – Family Time:

The Amazing Race – We started watching The Amazing Race as a family during season 29, back in 2017. We became such fans of Becca and Floyd that we did a 5 Questions With…..post with them! They are back in season 31’s Reality Show-Down and we are having so much fun watching them.
Television Time – Mom Time:

Dead to Me – (Netflix) This show debuted on Netflix this month. The twists have me hooked and even though I’ve only watched a couple of episodes, I hope to finish this soon. There are ten episodes altogether and totally worth giving it a try!
Workin’ Moms (Netflix) – This month I finally caught up and watched the last few episodes of Workin’ Moms on Netflix. This is a Canadian show but I love how it captures all the different aspects of new motherhood.
Television Time – Couple Time:

Game of Thrones Season 2 – I am so late to the Game of Thrones Game. One of my goals for 2019 is to read the first book in the series. I am a little over half-way through and it’s looking good for me to finish it by December. In the meantime, my husband and I have been watching the series. This month we finally finished watching season 2 and have started season 3. Since we are borrowing the DVDs from the library and some weeks only get a chance to watch one or two episodes, it’s taking us a LONG time to get through a season!