I Volunteer

Ever since I was little I have volunteered in some capacity or another.  It started with Girl Scouts in elementary school all the way up to college where I volunteered at a soup kitchen, was a Big Sister with the Big Brother Big Sisters program and was a member of Alpha Phi Omega, a national service organization.   Since I’ve gotten married and had children, I have put volunteering on the back burner.  Both my children are actively involved in scouting, however, I don’t have the time and energy to devote to being a leader.  The Weekend Chef and I volunteer and help out with their den/troop as much as we can though.  However, I know that there’s more that I can do.  This summer, I reached out to a local homeless shelter and asked how I could be of service.  The director noted that they could use help at the Saturday food pantry so I immediately signed up.  For the past several Saturday mornings, I’ve been going to a local church that houses a choice food pantry.  I arrive at 8:30 AM and help package vegetables and shelve bread and dessert donations.  Once the pantry opens I walk patrons around assisting them choose and carry their food items.  By 11:30 AM the pantry closes and I help clean up.

This volunteer job is not “fun.”  It’s actually a lot of physical labor.  However, volunteering at a food pantry like this gives me a good dose of reality.  While I may think I’m having a bad day, I am able to see many people who have it a lot worse than I do.   Some of these patrons line up outside the pantry at 5 AM to make sure they get a “good spot” in line.   I doubt that anyone wants to “shop” at a food pantry.  However, if faced between paying your rent and buying food, I think housing takes priority.  After spending a couple of hours at the pantry, my problems don’t seem so bad in comparison.

I also feel that it’s important to be a role model for my children.  They need to see that volunteering and giving back to their community doesn’t end when they become an adult.  Although it’s taken me awhile to get back into giving back I am hoping to continue pursuing volunteer opportunities when I can.

There are many volunteer opportunities available in your community from building a house with Habitat for Humanity to being a sports coach for your child’s team or volunteering at a local food pantry.  If you are thinking about volunteering, check out these Top 10 Reasons to Volunteer.   Every little bit helps!


August Currently


I am excited to be participating in Anne and Jenna’s monthly Currently link-up for the first time this month.  Currently I am:

Creating:  lists of all sorts!  We are leaving for Disney in about two and a half weeks.  I’m trying to plan/buy some things to occupy the kids for the very long car trip.  I am also trying to figure out what we need to pack/buy before we go.  And then of course there’s the lists of foods that we need to eat while we are there!

Wishlisting:  Can you believe that I can write nothing at the moment?!!!  I can’t think about fall clothes at the moment even though the stores are full of back-to-school stuff.  Possibly some home décor stuff since we really need to get on top of that.  We’ve been in our house nine years and some of our walls are still bare!!  I need to start checking Pinterest to get some inspiration!

Hoping:  that everything works out with the new job that I will start in September.  I am enjoying the summer off with the kids but financially, we just can’t swing it for me to stay home full-time.  I thought I was done working in the education field, however, I found a job that is very flexible and seems like a good fit for me and the family.

Eating:  At this exact moment an ice cream cone.  However, overall, we eat pretty healthy.  Most weeks I cook dinner Monday through Friday.  I’ve been posting our weekly meal plans on Monday.  You can check out Monday’s post for a look at what we cooked the previous week.  The Weekend Chef is really getting lucky with summer and our busy weekends out and about and not having to cook very much!

Watching:  While I’m typing this the Weekend Chef and I are watching The Killing on Netflix.  During the day while the kids have been at camp this week I’ve been watching Revenge while I eat lunch.  Other shows that the Weekend Chef and I are watching include Orange is the New Black and House of Cards.


Philly Cheesesteak Fries

Philly Cheesesteak Fries

I have to confess that French fries are one of my favorite foods.   The Weekend Chef most recently created this recipe to fulfill my French fry cravings  It has all the flavors of a cheesesteak but eaten on a pile of fries, rather than a roll.  Topped with a homemade cheddar beer sauce, this dinner was delicious!  The kids enjoyed this just as much as we did!

Philly Cheesesteak Fries
Recipe from the Weekend Chef @ NY Foodie Family

2 Tablespoons olive oil
1 green bell pepper, sliced
1 medium yellow onion, sliced
6-8 white mushrooms, sliced
24 oz steak (we used thin sirloin)
8 oz shredded sharp cheddar
8 oz beer (we used Yuengling lager)
1/2 cup flour
2 Tablespoons butter
4 servings of frozen French fries, prepared per directions on package

In a medium pan over low heat, add the olive oil.  Cook the pepper, onion, and mushrooms until softened, approximately 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. In a small sauce pan, melt the butter over medium heat and mix in the flour.  Cook 5-6 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the beer and cook until thickened. Remove from heat and mix in cheese until fully melted. Season liberally with pepper. Cook the steak(s) to your desired doneness and allow to rest. Slice the steak thinly. To serve, plate the fries and top with the vegetable mixture, steak and cheese sauce.

Meal Plan Monday {Week 8}

meal plan Monday August

This past week was a hot one!  I tried not to use the oven too much.  Here’s what was cooking in our kitchen this past week.  You can read about our meal planning process here.

Saturday – Out. We went to a local music festival and ate alfresco listening to the band play.

Sunday – Out.  We went out to eat with a couple from our Supper Club.


MondayOnion Smothered Italian Burgers from Cooking Light and Sauteed Baby Squash with Basil and Feta which was also a Cooking Light recipe.  The burgers were a recipe repeat, with the last time I made these being about five years ago!  The balsamic onions definitely make the burger!


Tuesday – We cooked a whole chicken in the slow cooker which I served with some rice and Steamed Green Beans with Tomato-Garlic Vinaigrette.  These green beans were a bit garlicky but good.  We make a whole chicken in the slow cooker about once a month or so.  It’s so easy and we end up with leftover chicken to use in another recipe later in the week.  This time, the Weekend Chef ate some leftovers and we froze the rest.


Wednesday – I went out to dinner with a friend but I made Zucchini Pancakes for the kids and the Weekend Chef which they ate with breakfast sausage and fruit.  Breakfast for dinner is always a hit in our house.  When my son found out I was making zucchini pancakes he complained and asked if he could have plain ones.  Well, guess who was eating these right up?!!!  You can’t taste the zucchini and he loved them!


Thursday – I made Sausage And Vodka Pasta Sauce.  This was a twist on the traditional penne vodka.  It was good, but not my fave.

Friday – Out – We went to a local baseball game and ate at the stadium.