I feel like I say this every month, but I can’t believe it’s June. The temps almost hit 90 this past week! The school year is slowly coming to an end and the kid’s activities are finishing up. It is really starting to feel like summer! I am linking up once again with Jenna and Anne for their monthly linkup. Here is what I am currently:
Planning: We are trying to plan out our summer. We don’t have a big vacation planned for the summer but are planning a couple of trips to Rhode Island and possibly a trip to Maryland to visit my sister and her family. We just need to finalize dates.
Enjoying: We just enjoyed spending the Memorial Day weekend at my parent’s house in Rhode Island. We went to an arts and crafts festival, visited the beach, did some geocaching and played some miniature golf. I got in lots of reading time while my husband helped power wash the deck and we got to sleep in every morning. I’d say that made for a very enjoyable weekend!
Buying: I just bought a new rug for our family room that I am waiting to arrive. I also need to buy my daughter a dress for her upcoming 4th grade graduation. And have I mentioned that I am in desperate need of some new sandals as well?! Yeah, there has and will be a bit of buying going on around here.
Craving: Reading time. I got spoiled over the Memorial Day weekend with lots of reading time. Since we’ve gotten home the books and magazines are just piling up unread!
Pinning: Lots of summer related pins. Books to read, fun activities to do, science experiments to conduct, treats to make…..summer vacation is quickly approaching and I have both kids home with me all summer! I need all the ideas I can get!
Ah yes, missing that long weekend reading time too. Glad to hear you had a good one
Thanks for linking up again!