Happy Friday! Last Saturday my husband and I got up at 4:45 AM so we could drive over 3 hours to pick our son up from Boy Scout camp since pickup was at 9 AM. We then turned around and drove 3+ hours home! What a morning! But we had most of the day left when we got back home. In other exciting news, my daughter got her first job! She’s working at our local Shoprite in the Shop From Home Dept. We are all happy that she will be making money to support her expensive teenage lifestyle! Here are five from this week:
1. Trader Joe’s– A Trader Joe’s opened last week and it’s only about 15 minutes away. While I didn’t go opening day, my daughter and I did stop by Saturday night and picked some things up. Would love to know your TJ favorites!

2. Brunch at Goosefeather – Sunday my husband and I were hosted for brunch at Goosefeather in Tarrytown. This is celebrity chef Dale Talde’s Westchester County restaurant. Everything was delicious but this shrimp toast was one of my faves.
3. Reading – This week I finished reading Other People’s Houses by Abby Waxman. It was an enjoyable read about a suburban neighborhood and the secrets of a group of families.

4. Cooking – This week I made Halloumi Hummus Bowls, but used feta since I couldn’t find Halloumi at my Shoprite. Crispy Gnocchi and Tomato Panzanella Salad was also tasty. I called it Crispy Gnocchi Caprese when the kids asked what was for dinner. I also made Sheet Pan Cauliflower Fajitas and our quick and easy dinner was pierogies with roasted broccoli.
5. Watching – Saturday night we watched Morbius and it was pretty bad!
I’ve also been watching Vanderpump Rules on Hulu. I watched this show when it first came out on Bravo but never watched all the seasons. I’ve started over from the beginning. It’s pretty bad and it’s so staged, but somehow I’m still watching.

6. Eating – We devoured these Trader Joe’s dark chocolate peanut butter cups. It was only 99 cents for the bag!

My daughter also picked out these Bamba puffed corn peanut snacks that are dipped in dark chocolate. These disappeared quickly as well!

7. Drinking – MIZO hard lemonade pouches. Don’t these remind you of the Capri Suns from childhood? These are definitely not kid-friendly! I wrote about these for Guilty Eats and was sent samples. I’ve only tried the Blackberry Lychee so far. They aren’t bad! They are sweet and the alcohol flavor isn’t strong.
ICYMI – This week on the blog:
Thursday I posted about the return of Brunch at Goosefeather.
Sharing with Friday Favorites! Have a great weekend!
I’m always swayed to add a few dark chocolate treats to my TJ cart; that and their hummus. I love their hummus more than any other brand I’ve tried. It’s soo good.