Hello Friday! I didn’t have a post last week since it was such a busy one. So lots to catch up on today! This week the kids had their last finals and regents’ and are officially finished with school! Here are five from this week:

1. Cirque du Soleil – Last Thursday I had media tickets to see Cirque du Soleil Crystal. This is their only show that takes place on ice. If you’ve never seen a Cirque du Soleil show, I highly recommend. They are filled with amazing talent!

2. Menopause the Musical – Friday I had media tickets for Menopause the Musical, which is playing at the Chappaqua Performing Arts Center through tomorrow. Fortunately, I’m not experiencing menopause yet, but it was a fun show.
3. Reading – This week I haven’t finished reading anything. But last week I finished listening to I Kissed Shara Wheeler on book on CD. I feel like this has gotten rave reviews, but I thought it was just an okay listen.

4. Cooking – This week I made these Portobello French Dips with Horseradish Aioli. As mushroom lovers, my husband and I thought these were sooo good!
5. Watching – Last weekend we watched the original Top Gun as a family. My daughter saw the new Top Gun sequel and loved it, so we thought she should see the first one. Now she is adamant that my husband and I go see Top Gun: Maverick.
6. Moving Up – Yesterday my son “graduated” from 8th grade and had his moving up ceremony. I can’t believe this September I will have two kids in high school!

7. Summer Leagues – My kids are both participating in summer sports leagues in preparation for the fall. Field hockey for my daughter and soccer for my son. The leagues started last week so they are playing games a couple nights a week.

8. NY Boulders Game – For Father’s Day my husband wanted to go to a local baseball game. The Renegades weren’t playing at home so we went to a NY Boulders game. We ended up going Saturday night since my son had a soccer game on Sunday. We didn’t realize it was going to be so cold! We were freezing but stayed until the end, when the Boulders had a winning run in the bottom of the 9th.

9. Miami – How did I almost forget about our trip to Miami for my brother-in-law’s wedding?!! It was a whirlwind couple of days and my son ended up getting sick and was not able to attend the wedding. But it was a beautiful ceremony and super fun reception. I wish we were able to stay a couple of extra days to explore Miami, but it was the weekend right before the kids started finals and regents’ so we had to get home.
Sharing with Friday Favorites! Have a great weekend!
I agree with your daughter; you need to go see Maverick, it was really good. We love Cirque de soleil (I think I have seen 5 of their shows now) but that ice one sound really neat. My favorite so far was O where they actually have water and a pool.
I saw Menopause the Musical years ago, and it’s hilarious. I still need to see a Cirque de Soleil show. I never have!
Whoa, I had no idea Cirque du Soleil on ice was a thing! That sounds absolutely bananas! Oh my gosh, I was watching the Marlins-Mets game last Saturday, which was in NY during the day, and everyone looked like they were freezing! Not that it was super warm in Philly, but yikes, I was not envious!