Getting Organized in 2020 {A Life Well Lived}

My first step for “A Life Well Lived” in 2020 (and the start of every new year) is to get organized! I thrive on planning and organization and I’ve discovered that being organized is super helpful in reducing daily stress.

Every year I wait until after Christmas to buy a planner and calendar for the new year. Not only do I get them on sale, but I enjoy spending the time between the end of the old year and the start of the new one setting up my calendar.

Planners and calendar systems are very personal. There is no one system that will work for everyone. You really have to try different kinds out (electronic, paper planners, bullet journals) to find the one that works for you. If you don’t use a planner though, I highly recommend you start using one this year!

Cover art
Cozi App

I used to be a strictly pen and paper calendar user and even had a mini one for my purse. However, Dana and I now use the Cozi app to keep track of doctor appointments and the kids’ activities. I then transfer any appointments or activities that are entered in Cozi onto the regular wall calendar. In our house, if it’s not on the calendar, it’s not happening!

Each Sunday evening, I set up the weekly schedule in my paper planner. I used to use a bullet journal but have found that I prefer a regular paper planner. This is where I write the daily to-do tasks, like laundry and vacuuming, errands like the library and grocery store and the kids’ activities. I also write what the kids are eating for breakfast and lunch and what we are having for dinner. The kids no longer ask me, “What are we having for dinner?” They know they can look in the planner, which I keep open on our kitchen counter. They daily planner is what really keeps our family organized with the day-to-day stuff.

If I’m feeling especially motivated, I’ll even decorate the planner with stickers and motivational sayings……I do love a good motivational quote! I’ve seen YouTube videos and Instagram photos of people who are REALLY into decorating their planners. I’m luckily not one of them, but when stickers go on sale at Michael’s craft store, I’ll usually pick some up.

So this is how I’m planning for 2020. How are you keeping yourself organized this year?