I know, we are already six days into May. I’ve only recently started getting back into a regular blogging routine though, so please excuse my lateness! May means only two more months of school for the kids. It means summer is quickly approaching. It means life is crazy busy as the school year winds down. Here are 5 things that I’m looking forward to this May:

1. Asking For a Friend podcast – I’m not gonna lie, I loved watching Lauren Conrad on The Hills. I’m also a fan of her LC Lauren Conrad clothing line at Kohl’s. So, I’m curious to check out her new podcast that is debuting on May 8th. It may not be a winner, but the premise sounds good – advice on all things style, beauty, parenting, entertaining and more. Anyone else going to give it a listen?

2. Where the Crawdad Sings – I’ve only heard good things about this book. I am excited that it finally came in at the library and I’m going to be picking it up on Tuesday.

3. Spring Planting – We’ve had plenty of rain lately and the weather looks like it’s finally going to stay in the 60’s and 70’s….perfect temps for finally getting some planting done. We skipped the container gardens last year, but we are hoping to get those ready to hopefully have some veggies this year. I also try to do some spring flower planting outside and I’m always looking for new plants for inside the house. I’m loving this idea of planting intentions in a wish garden.

4. Memorial Weekend Getaway – We are planning to head up to my parent’s house in Rhode Island for Memorial Day weekend. It’s always nice to get away, even for just a couple of days. I’m hoping we have some nice weather for some beach walks.

5. Sandal Season – I’ve transitioned from winter boots to spring flats. But, I’m looking forward to soon being able to wear sandals. Sandal season also equals painted toe nails. It’s fun to look down at my feet and see a pop of color. However, I have no idea what is even in style this summer! Does anyone have any recommendations for versatile, comfy sandals?
I never watched The Hills so I”m not really a LC fan but I do think she has some cute clothes at Kohls. I went for a walk on Sunday and really enjoyed all the beautiful flowers I encountered along the way. Flowers just make me so happy, although I have a black thumb and am a notorious plant serial killer. 😀 I need a pedicure desperately but have been so lazy. I love sandals but I mostly wear flip-flops and have no idea what the latest trends are. LOL!